Market Garden Manager
Sander Nordstuen Gård is a Market Garden farm located in Eidsvoll Norway.
Owned and operated by Tone Bech and Magne Stenersen. Our farm is an oasis of sustainable agriculture. We cultivate a variety of herbs, vibrant flowers...and more then 40 different varieties of vegetables including berries and fruits. We have a farm shop and café that will open in 2025, in a brand new location on the farm. The farm has a small flock of about 15 sheep, a few gees and ducks. And we have and egg operation.
The Market Garden Manager is primarily responsible for the complete operation of the Farm production market garden. The Garden Manager works closely with the Farm owners who provide the strategic oversight for the entire farm operation which the Market Garden is one part of. The manager will be responsible for management, planning and control of the Farm’s garden operations from garden preparation through quality harvest and product delivery and sales. Commitment to sustainable farm methods is required. Knowledgeable in permaculture principles highly desired
Farm language is English and Norwegian, and you must be a eu or schengen citizen
We can offer food and accommodation, salary by agreement
Please send application to
Job Requirements
Farm management experience, small-scale, sustainable agriculture with organic production desired
Knowledge of seeding, transplanting, weed control, irrigating, harvesting, packaging and selling broad range of farm produce
Mechanical knowledge and care of small engine agricultural equipment and tools
Ability to budget, program, manage, schedule resources
Results oriented manager
Ability to interact successfully with employees
Ability to plan and to look at the farm holistically
Essential Functions
Design and implement systems to efficiently manage labor, and greenhouses
Work with owners and to prepare grow plan
Propose creative solutions to garden problems
Work closely with owners and farm team to produce the highest quality crops and plants
Follow and document grow plan
Conduct and manage all field preparations
Maintain proper records of full plant life cycle including planting and harvest dates and yield for future analysis
Inspect farm buildings and equipment, making sure routine maintenance is carried out and repairs made when necessary
Become proficient in processing of harvest
Attend Farmers Markets on behalf of Farm and work to increase sales
Deliver products to Farm restaurant customers
Train and supervise seasonal workers
Seek and attend local or online training for continuing education to grow professionally and add knowledge for future production
Market Garden Interships for 2025
Market Garden internship applications for Sander Nordstuen Gård are open!
Sander Nordstuen Gård are located in Eidsvoll, Norway, just 35 min by train from the capital, we’ve have been in operation since 2014 and we produce diverse range of organic vegetables, flowers, herbs, berries and eggs since 2014. We also have a small flock of about 15 Norwegian shorttail sheep, a few ducks and some gees in addition to our hens.
We have the possibility to welcome interns for the 2025 season, if you have the desire to learn about greenhouse growing, vegetable production, berry and small scale egg production in a Market Garden setting. We also produce our own compost and practice no till, and we move and graze our sheep in the farms protected ravine landscape. You will also have the possibility to experience the lambing season that starts in April and learn about sheep husbandry. You can also be a part of our farm store and café and learn how to refine our produce for the farm store.
Our season starts in April and ends in November, longer internships can also be possible.
Please do not hesitate to send us an email to
Farm languish is English and Norwegian
Hvis du er interessert i å tilbringe et år eller en sesong på Sander Farm, og for å lære å drive jordbruk og å lære å dyrke grønnsaker, ta en tendens til dyr. Vennligst les dette.
Praktikanter og arbeidere bor og jobber på gården, i en gruppe som samfunn som opplever mange sider av vår mangfoldige økologiske drift. Vi er bosatt i Eidsvoll Norge, gården er på 7 hektar med ca 2 dekar / 8 daa med blandet grønnsaks- og bærproduksjon, og en mandala-hurbhage.
Alle våre produkter selges i vår gårdsbutikk, csa, reko og gjennom levering. Arbeidet vil omfatte en dag eller mer høsting, pakking, vask og organisering av produkter. Andre oppgaver inkluderer å luke, ta vare på husdyrene, samle egg, plante frø i drivhuset og spesielle prosjekter som trearbeid og feltarbeid, det varierer fra år til år.
Vi tar også inn Wwoofere og andre frivillige arbeidsorganisasjoner for kortere og lengre perioder, praktikanter er på rullerende basis, det er ikke én fastsatt startdato. vi foretrekker at praktikanter binder seg for lengre perioder. Dette skyldes den omfattende opplæringen og energien vi gir til våre praktikanter og våre frivillige.
Vi skal gjøre vårt beste for at opplevelsen med Sander Farm vil passe deg. Er du interessert i praksisplass, eller har spørsmål om gården eller arbeidet vårt, send gjerne en epost til E-posten skal inneholde hvilket land du kommer fra, og hvor lenge du ønsker å bli. Alle søkere må være fra EU/Schengen/EØS. Eller kommer fra et land som har en arbeidstillatelsesavtale med Norge. Søkere fra utenfor disse landene vil ikke bli besvart